A message from Pastor Derik
Dear Valued Partner
As we are celebrating our year of momentum in 2023, it truly has been a blessing, and I just want to say a huge thank you to our Staff, Leaders and Dream Team for making this such a special year! Our Revive Kids ministry is exploding, online and production is growing, worship has been amazingly anointed, outreach has been more than we have ever done before and sooo much more!! I truly am honored to be a part of Revive Church and this amazing revival God is doing in Vermont. At a recent pastor’s meeting I attended they labeled this movement in Vermont, “A Silent Revival.” This kind of stuck with me in prayer because I was reminded of a message I preached years ago called, “What Good Can Come?” It was a spin off of John 1 where Nathaniel said in verse 46, “Nazareth, what good can come from Nazareth?” During this message I exclaimed, “Poultney, what good can come from Poultney?” Well, we know what Jesus did from a little town of Nazareth and what we are seeing coming out of a little town in Vermont is miraculous! Don’t let anyone discount the anointing on your life just because they have never seen something come from your background or family! We are the Gideons and Ruths and Esthers of today! I want to remind you about our verse of the year! Hebrews 10:23-25 NLT. 23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Let’s hold tight, dig in and finish this year strong! Remember, greater is He (God) that is in you, than he (devil) that’s in the world!!
This past August we hosted 38 youth at our 2nd annual youth conference and 70 kids at our very first VBS. In total 17 of these children gave their lives to Jesus Christ! Now that’s something to celebrate! As you move into September we are beginning what will be a lengthy series entitled, “Relate: A Relationship Series.” We are going to be going through every pro, every con, every high and low, conflict resolution, Marriage and many other topics pertaining to relationships! The Bible says, “It’s not good for man to be alone,” so in this series we will be going through how we can develop and maintain the best relationships possible to thrive in our walk with Jesus! I can’t wait to see you there!
God Bless,
Derik Kerber
Lead Pastor
Revive Church
Where it is our mission to
"Change Lives, Reach the Next Generation, & Impact the Culture for Jesus"
Monthly Look Back
The Starting Gate
Psalm 127:3 tells us “Children are a heritage from the Lord”. We’re excited to report that we had one child baptized this month. Galatians 3:27 says, “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” We are just getting started, and we are certain there will be many, many more to come!
He’s Up to Something!
We had an astonishing number of ten first-time guests here this month. Revival is definitely happening here at Revive Church, and we can’t be more excited!
It’s Not Complicated!
“If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9). We are so thankful that we had three people give their life to Jesus this month. It’s not complicated, and the choice is yours! Choose Jesus and spend an eternity in heavenly bliss as Revelation 21:4 says, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain” or the alternative which is the opposite of heaven, “Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matt 13:50
Mission Impossible?
No way! We saw a 42% giving increase this year compared to the same time last year, and we had 3 new givers. It just keeps getting better and better!
Belva’s testimony:
I grew up with little to no background of church. My grandmother would mention God in her conversations but not ever mention Jesus so I had no idea who he was. Phil (my soulmate) started bringing home tracks from work which he got from my newly saved sister.
Phil would leave them on the kitchen table, and I would glance at them as I was curious as to what they said. He never knew I was reading them. This went on for about two months. In the meantime, I was dealing with a lot of problems coming at me. One night while Phil was at work and I was feeling really low I remembered the tracks I read.
I just called out to Jesus to help me, and in that moment I felt such a peace come over me, and I knew something happened. I started attending church and walked with Jesus every day. I found Revive through my niece when it was in Poultney. Then COVID hit. I then attended Revive when it moved to Fair Haven.
The moment I stepped foot into the church I knew I was home. This was the family where I belonged.
Thank you Revive for restoring my passion for God again and showing me what a real family is.
Phil’s testimony:
I first came to receive Jesus at an Andre Crouch concert in Maine back in 1974. I kept the faith up until about 8 years later when I had a personal mishap in my life, and I walked away from God. Then I met Belva, and we were married. One day she told me how she had come to accept Jesus into her life. So I went to work and got there a little early.
As I sat in my car and was thinking about what Belva told me she did — I prayed right there and asked Jesus to forgive me, and I wanted to renew my faith. The first time we came to Revive church I knew this was a great place to really worship Jesus and receive a true word from God and also to feel like you are right at home with a family doing the same thing.