A message from Pastor Derik
Dear Valued Partner
With our Year of Reset now behind us and our Year of Breakthrough ahead, I find myself filled with immense anticipation and excitement to witness what God is going to do next! This past year has been a testament to His faithfulness as we focused our efforts on two key areas: our Sunday morning worship experiences and ReGroups.
We saw remarkable growth in our ReGroup leadership and participation as groups strengthened and multiplied. Though our Sunday morning attendance saw a slight dip, the excellence and teamwork in how we planned and executed those services reached new heights. These moments were not just about numbers - they were about setting the foundation for something far greater. We are standing on the brink of a breakthrough. I firmly believe God is preparing to exceed anything we could ever ask, think, or imagine!
As we step into this new season, I am believing wholeheartedly that 2025 will be a year where God brings supernatural breakthroughs to families, marriages, finances, mental health, physical health, and so much more. The Bible repeatedly reminds us of the power of faith with the words, “Be it unto you according to your faith.” I believe God is ready to reignite faith for the dreams and desires you may have given up on - those deeply rooted hopes that seem impossible.
This year I challenge you to dream again, to believe again, and to attach your faith to the fulfillment of those long-held promises. Trust that God is ready to do the impossible if we are willing to step out in faith.
As we bid farewell to 2024 and welcome 2025 with open hearts, let’s unite as a church body, standing together in what I am confident will be a banner year of breakthrough for not just our church, but for our families, our community, and beyond. Get ready! God is about to move in extraordinary ways!
God Bless,
Derik Kerber
Lead Pastor
Revive Church
Where it is our mission to
"Change Lives, Reach the Next Generation, & Impact the Culture for Jesus"
2024 was an amazing year for Revive Church. During the year we had 174 New Guests, 36 Baptisms, 36 accepted Christ as their Savior and 21 rededicated their life to Christ. 2025 will continue the growth of Revive Church.
“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17 (NIV)
Look and See How God is Moving
My name is Tonia Warner. I am the ministry leader at Revive Church Celebrate Recovery, a Vermont State Representative for Celebrate Recovery, and an Opioid Ambassador.
Our nation is struggling with unprecedented syndemic issues such as mental health, substance use disorder, homelessness, and medical problems. We are leaving people feeling hopeless, struggling, and alone.
I have the privilege of bringing awareness and work with people to discover the hope, joy, and healing power of Celebrate Recovery at Revive as well as New England.
This a biblical 12 Step program with 8 principles based on the beatitudes in the book of Matthew. It is where we find Hope and Freedom over their hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
I am looking for partnerships and donations to attend the Summit in Lake Forrest, California in July. We get a week where we Celebrate our Recoveries. We also have seminars, workshops and learn how to be more effective leaders reaching people in new and exciting ways. We connect with other leaders who also volunteer to serve on this ministry from the national and global teams of Ambassadors, Representatives, and Directors.
The work I do is all voluntary. The costs for everything come from donations and out-of-pocket. I treat this as a full-time job and serving God. My calling in my life is to share with others the healing and freedom I have found in Jesus and Celebrate Recovery.
The financial support is to aid in the lodging , transportation and meals costs “for me to attend the Summit and represent Revive Church as well as the state of Vermont. Anything you can do to help support my mission is greatly appreciated.
Donations can be made to Revive Church, Attention to “Celebrate Recovery.” March1,2025 is my deadline to raise $4,000.00. I thank you in advance for your help in helping me to do my part to Reach, Impact, and Change the lives of others.
"Let’s break the chains that hold us back and throw off the ropes that tie us down."
Psalms 2:3
Thank you for your support,
Tonia Warner
**Please make checks payable to Revive Church with a note saying
“Celebrate Recovery Mission”
They can be mailed to
P.O. BOX 722