Revive Recap December 23'

A message from Pastor Derik

Dear Valued Partner

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!! Can you believe it? It seemed just yesterday we were mowing our lawns and enjoying the warm weather of summer, and here we are at the time of this writing shoveling and plowing an inch or more of wet snow! Time is sure flying by!! Now I have a question to ask you…. Were you able to accomplish what you planned to accomplish this year? If not, did you attempt it, forget about it, or not have a goal for the year at all? This is a very important and yet sometimes not a fun question to evaluate. The reason I bring this up is not to shame you if 2023 wasn’t your year but to empower you to change what happens in 2024! You can do this in many ways, but you first need to start with step one which is to set a goal and a vision that challenges you but is attainable with consistent effort!

Habakkuk 2:2 states, “Write the vision, And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.”

Don’t have a vision? Well this is your time! I encourage you to take this final month of 2023 and seek the Lord on this very topic! We are fasting for 5 days in the beginning of December to do this very thing! There is no better time than now to prepare for 2024 so when you have your vision written, you can constantly run with it and see 2024 be the year you accomplish something huge for God!!

“Don’t give up or grow weary in well doing, for in due time you will reap a harvest if you don’t lose heart and give up”!!

Galatians 6:9

God Bless,

Derik Kerber

Lead Pastor

Revive Church

Where it is our mission to

"Change Lives, Reach the Next Generation, & Impact the Culture for Jesus"

Monthly Look Back

Highway to Heaven

Revive Church had an amazing number of 29 Salvations (not including December). That is truly miraculous and certainly God is on the move!!

The Final Countdown

It’s pretty clear we are achieving our Missions to “Change Lives, Reach the Next Generation, and Impact the Culture for Jesus”. Our average attendance was 175 people, along with 77 new donors and 76 new guests. We look forward to seeing what God has in store for Revive Church in the year 2024

A Total Eclipse of the Heart

When we accept Jesus into our lives and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, it is as if we are having “a total eclipse of the heart”. He brings any darkness we may have into the light. We’re so happy and proud to tell you we had 36 baptisms so far this year. Praise God!!! “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”. James 1:17 NIV



As some of you know I spent from mid-July 22 until May 24 of this year in hospitals or rehabs. I lost the use of my legs and was totally bedridden from what was diagnosed as Functional Neurologic Disorder. My son had become involved with Revive Church and encouraged me to watch the service online. A group prayed for me and sent a prayer cloth to me which I now carry with me everywhere. As I became more mobile, I began to attend the service whenever I could. At first, it was in a wheelchair, then with forearm crutches and finally with canes. Now I come as often as I can.


Revive church has meant a lot to me in a number of ways. To me the church is alive and full of the Spirit of Christ. I have met so many people and made a lot of friends. Prayer is very important to me, and I have had prayers said for me and over me. They are appreciated and mean so much. All the time I was in hospitals and rehabs, there were many dark moments for me when they could not find out what was wrong with me. I always looked forward to the service online which would bring me out of the darkness. God has helped me get through this illness in many ways and will continue to help me.


God is definitely working in and with Revive Church. I thank God that I have found them and offer my prayers for them. I will continue to attend and will try to help out anyway I can given my disability. It is a fantastic community and a loving family.